 GAO Fei,WANG Zhi-peng,ZHAO He,et al.Effects of partial substitution for chemical fertilizer by organic monure on crop yield and soil properties under low soil fertility[J].,2020,(01):83-91.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2020.01.012]





Effects of partial substitution for chemical fertilizer by organic monure on crop yield and soil properties under low soil fertility
GAO FeiWANG Zhi-pengZHAO HeLI Hui-xinJIAO Jia-guo
(College of Resources and Environmental Science, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China)
ancient bed of Yellow Riverorgonic manure replacing chemical fertilizercrop yieldsoil fertility
Under the low soil fertility condition of the ancient bed of Yellow River in Jiangsu province, the effects of partial substitution for chemical fertilizer on crop yield and soil nutrient in different rotation systems of wheat-maize and wheat-rice were explored in order to clarify the replacement rules and potentials. Field experiment was arranged in October 2017, and six different treatments were set up, namely no fertilizer (CK); chemical fertilizer (F); an additional 40% organic fertilizer on the basis of chemical fertilizer(FM0.4); in the case of equal total nutrient of NPK, 20% (F0.8M0.2), 40% (F0.6M0.4) and 60% (F0.4M0.6) of chemical fertilizers were replaced by organic fertilizer respectively. The results showed that the yield of wheat decreased significantly by using organic fertilizer as partial substitution for chemical fertilizer in wheat-maize rotation system. When 60% of the chemical fertilizers were replaced by organic fertilizer, yield of wheat decreased significantly, but there was no significant difference in maize yield. Under wheat-rice rotation system, the effect of substitution for chemical fertilizers by different proportions of organic fertilizers on crop yield was not significant. Fertilization increased the content of soil organic matter, the content of soil organic matter increased by 8.07%-36.61% in the wheat-maize rotation system, and the content of soil organic matter increased by 7.69%-40.22% in the wheat-rice rotation system. With the increase of organic fertilizer replacement ratio, the contents of total nitrogen and available potassium in soil were decreased, while the contents of soil phosphorus and alkali nitrogen were gradually increased in wheat-maize rotation system. The contents of total phosphorus, alkali nitrogen and available potassium in soil increased gradually, while the total nitrogen content decreased in wheat-rice rotation system. The results of correlation analysis showed that there was significant or extremely significant positive correlation between crop yield and soil total nitrogen, alkali nitrogen and available phosphorus. In summary, due to the low basic soil fertility in the ancient bed of Yellow River, the replacement of chemical fertilizer by organic fertilizer did not show an increase in crop yield, but the input of organic fertilizer effectively improved the nutrient status of the soil. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain the amount of chemical fertilizer and increase the application of organic fertilizer to improve the quality of cultivated land in this area.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2020-03-13