 ZHOU Li-li,DUAN Zeng-qiang,HAN Qing-zhong,et al.Comprehensive evaluation of soil fertility in citrus orchards in Zigui County[J].,2019,(06):1346-1353.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2019.06.011]





Comprehensive evaluation of soil fertility in citrus orchards in Zigui County
ZHOU Li-li12DUAN Zeng-qiang1HAN Qing-zhong3XIA Li-zhong1ZHANG Guang-guo3
(1.Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, China;2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China;3.Zigui Agriculture Technology Extension Centre, Zigui 443600, China)
citrus orchardsoil nutrientcomprehensive evaluationyield
通过调查分析秭归县柑橘主产区2 045个土壤样点的土壤养分指标,包括有机质、碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾、有效铁、有效锰、有效铜和有效锌含量以及pH值,用主成分分析方法和隶属度函数对土壤肥力进行了综合评价,并分析了影响土壤肥力的因素。结果表明: 秭归县柑橘主产区94%的土壤综合肥力处于中等及以下水平,长江以南种植区土壤综合肥力中等水平地块面积较大;土壤肥力综合指数与实际年产量呈极显著正相关,可用来评价柑橘园土壤综合肥力。柑橘主产区碱解氮处于缺乏状况,其他养分处于适宜水平,但速效磷空间变异性较大;从各养分的分布空间来看,种植区内有机质、速效磷和速效钾分布较为均匀,pH、碱解氮、有效铁分布不均;大部分种植区pH值处于4.8~8.5,适宜柑橘生长,局部地区土壤偏酸,长江以南酸性土壤面积较大。总体来说,秭归县柑橘主产区土壤肥力水平属中等以下,土壤肥力还有很大的提升空间,合理的养分管理是有效提高柑橘产量的重要措施。
The soil nutrients indicators of 2 045 soil samples in the main citrus production areas of Zigui County were analyzed. The content of organic matter, alkali hydrolysable nitrogen, available phosphorus, available potassium, available iron, effective manganese, effective copper and available zinc, and pH were the main indicators. The soil fertility was comprehensively evaluated by principal component analysis and membership function, and the factors affecting soil fertility were analyzed. The results showed that the comprehensive fertility of 94% soil in the main citrus production areas of Zigui County was in the medium and lower level, and the medium-level plot area was larger in south of the Yangtze River. The integrated soil fertility index was significantly positively correlated with the actual annual yield, which could be used to evaluate integrated soil fertility of citrus orchards. The alkali hydrolysable nitrogen in the main citrus production area was in deficient condition, and other nutrients were in appropriate level, but the spatial variability of available phosphorus was relatively large. According to the distribution space of nutrients, the distribution of organic matter, available phosphorus and available potassium in the planting area was relatively uniform. Alkali hydrolysable nitrogen, pH and effective iron were unevenly distributed. The pH of referenced area ranged from 4.8 to 8.5, which was suitable for citrus growth. The soil in some areas was acid soil, and the area of acid soil in the south of the Yangtze River was large. On the whole, the soil fertility level in the main citrus production areas of Zigui County was below the middle level, and there was enough rising space of soil fertility. Reasonable nutrient management is an impartant measure to improve the yield citrus.


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收稿日期:2019-02-27 基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目(2017YFD0202001) 作者简介:周利利(1992-),女,陕西渭南人,硕士研究生,从事植物营养研究。(Tel)17602545263;(E-mail)llzhou@issas.ac.cn 通讯作者:段增强,(Tel)13605174685;(E-mail)zqduan@issas.ac.cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2020-01-09