 FENG Shi-bin,CHENG Lian-ping,SHU Ying-shuang,et al.Effect of astragalus polysaccharide on growth performance, serum indices, digestive function and rectum flora of Hu lambs[J].,2019,(01):122-129.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2019.01.018]





Effect of astragalus polysaccharide on growth performance, serum indices, digestive function and rectum flora of Hu lambs
FENG Shi-binCHENG Lian-pingSHU Ying-shuangDONG Yan-liZHANG MiLI YuWANG Xi-chunWU Jin-jie
(College of Animal Science and Technology, Anhui Agricultural University/Anhui Province Key Laboratory of Local Livestock and Poultry Genetical Resource Conservation and Breeding, Hefei 230036, China)
astragalus polysaccharideHu lambsserum biochemistrydigestibilityintestinal flora
本试验旨在研究在日粮中添加黄芪多糖对湖羊断奶羔羊生长性能、血清指标、养分表观消化率、胰腺消化酶、小肠黏膜形态和直肠菌群的影响。选取体质状况良好、体质量为(9.76±0.12) kg的45日龄的湖羊断奶羔羊14只随机分为对照组和黄芪多糖组,每组7只。试验期共计28 d。结果表明,与对照组相比,黄芪多糖组羔羊生长性能显著提高(P<0.05),料质比极显著降低(P<0.01)。黄芪多糖组血清中IgA、IgG、IgM含量显著提高(P<0.05),超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-Px)活性和γ-干扰素(IFN-γ)含量极显著提高(P<0.01),血清中过氧化产物丙二醛(MDA)含量显著降低(P<0.05)。黄芪多糖组的干物质、粗蛋白质、粗脂肪的养分表观消化率显著提高(P<0.05)。黄芪多糖组胰腺淀粉酶和脂肪酶活性显著提高(P<0.05)。黄芪多糖能够显著提高空十二指肠、空肠和回肠绒毛高度及V/C值(P<0.05),对隐窝深度影响不显著(P>0.05)。黄芪多糖组放线细菌门(Actinobacteria)和拟杆菌门(Bacterroidetes)细菌数量显著提高(P<0.05),拟杆菌纲(Bacteroidia)、甲烷杆菌纲(Methanobacteria)和盐杆菌纲(Halobacteria)细菌数量显著提高(P<0.05),拟杆菌目(Bacteroidales)和甲烷杆菌目(Methanobacteriales)细菌数量显著提高(P<0.05),双歧杆菌科(Bifidobacterialeceae)、甲烷杆菌科(Methanobactericeae)和普雷沃氏菌科(Prevotellaceae)细菌数量显著提高(P<0.05),毛螺菌科(Lachnospiraceae)细菌显著降低(P<0.05),甲烷短杆菌属(Methanobrevibacter)、雷沃菌属(Prevotella) 、shuttleworthia和succiniclasticum细菌数量显著提高(P<0.05)。说明,在日粮中添加黄芪多糖,可以提高湖羊羔羊生长性能、免疫力、抗氧化能力、养分物质表观消化率,促进小肠各段的发育并改善肠道菌群。
This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of astragalus polysaccharide on growth performance, serum indices, apparent digestibility, digestive enzyme in pancreas and intestinal flora of Hu lambs. Fourteen 45-day-old Hu lambs weighted (9.76±0.12) kg were divided into control group and astragalus polysaccharide group, seven lambs per group. The feeding assay lasted for 28 days. The results showed that compared with that in the control group, growth performance significantly increased in astragalus polysaccharide group (P<0.05), and the ratio of feed to grain significantly reduced(P<0.01). The contents of IgA, IgG, IgM in the serum were significantly increased (P<0.05), and the activities of superoxide dismutase(SOD), glutathione peroxidase(GSH-Px) and the content of IFN-γ were significantly higher than those in control group(P<0.01). The content of malondialdehyde(MDA) in the astragalus polysaccharide group was significantly reduced (P<0.05). The apparent digestibility of dry matter, crude protein and crude fat were significantly increased in astragalus polysaccharide group(P<0.05). The activities of pancreatic amylase and lipase in astragalus polysaccharide group were significantly increased(P<0.05). Astragalus polysaccharides significantly increased villus height and V/C of duodenum, jejunum and ileum(P<0.05), but there was no significant difference in crypt depth (P>0.05). In astragalus polysaccharide group the number of Actinobacteria and Bacterroidetes increased significantly (P<0.05), the number of Bacteroidia, Methanobacteria and Halobacteria increased significantly(P<0.05).The number of Methanobacteriales, Bacteroidales, Bifidobacterialeceae, Methanobactericeae and Prevotellaceae increased significantly (P<0.05), and the number of Lachnospiraceae decreased significantly (P<0.05). The number of Methanobrevibacter, Prevotella, shuttleworthia and succiniclasticum increased significantly (P<0.05). In conclusion, the addition of astragalus polysaccharide con improve growth performance, immunity, antioxidant capacity, apparent digestibility and intestinal microflora of Hu lambs.


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收稿日期:2018-06-19 基金项目:2018年安徽省重点研究与开发计划项目(1804g07020187);地方畜禽遗传资源保护与生物育种安徽省重点实验室开放课题(AKLGRCB2017009);安徽省现代农业牛羊产业技术体系项目(AHCYJSTX-07) 作者简介:冯士彬( 1984-) ,男,山东茌平人,硕士 实验师,主要从事兽医临床诊疗技术研究。(E-mail)luyifsb@126.com。程连平为共同第一作者。 通讯作者:吴金节,(E-mail)wjj@ahau.edu.cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2019-02-27