 WANG Wen-cai,LI Shao-wen,QI Hai-jun,et al.The diffference analysis of soil available phosphors content imaging and non-imaging spectra prediction[J].,2018,(04):811-817.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2018.04.014]





The diffference analysis of soil available phosphors content imaging and non-imaging spectra prediction
WANG Wen-caiLI Shao-wenQI Hai-junJIN XiuWANG Shuai
(School of Information and Computer Science, Anhui Agricultural University/Key Laboratory of Technology Integration and Application in Agricultural Internet of Things, Ministry of Agriculture, Hefei 230036, China)
imaging spectranon-imaging spectraspectral analysissoil available phosphorus contentprediction
以139个皖北砂姜黑土样品为研究对象,首先在室内采集土壤在 400~1 000 nm可见近红外光谱区域的成像和非成像2组光谱数据,再对光谱进行Savitaky-Golay 卷积平滑、标准正态变量变换(SNV)和一阶微分(FD)等一种或多种组合处理,最后利用偏最小二乘回归(PLSR)分别建立土壤速效磷(AP)含量回归模型。对2组光谱进行光谱特征分析和相似度分析,并对比模型预测效果,结果显示,成像和非成像光谱在形态上趋向一致,且非成像光谱的反射率值在每个波长点上均高于成像光谱;平滑处理后2种光谱的光谱相关拟合度得到提高;经预处理后,2种光谱建立的模型预测精度均有所提高;非成像光谱经预处理后建立的最优模型预测精度(验证集相对分析误差MRPD为2.02)高于成像光谱(验证集相对分析误差MRPD为1.85)。因此,成像光谱相对于非成像光谱在 400~1 000 nm波段建立的土壤速效磷含量回归模型预测能力稍差,但通过光谱预处理变换可以降低成像和非成像光谱的差异性并缩小成像与非成像光谱模型预测精度的差距。
In this study, 139 samples of Shajiang black soil in northern Anhui were used as materials. Firstly, imaging and non-imaging spectral data at 400-1 000 nm were collected indoorally. Then, a combination of Savitaky-Golay filtering algorithm, standard normal variate (SNV) and first derivative (FD) was performed on the spectrum. Finally, partial least squares regression (PLSR) was used to establish the regression model of soil available phosphorus (AP) content. The spectral feature analysis and similarity analysis of the two groups of spectra were conducted and the predictive effects of the models were compared. The results showed that the trend of imaging and non-imaging spectra in shape was consistent and the reflectance values of non-imaging spectra at each wavelength point were higher than those of imaging spectra. The spectral correlation fitting was improved after smoothing. After pretreatment, the prediction accuracy of the two spectra was improved. The prediction accuracy of the optimal model established after pretreatment of non-imaging spectra (the verification set relative analysis error MRPD was 2.02) was higher than that of the imaging spectra (verification set relative analysis error MRPD was 1.85). Therefore, prediction ability of the soil available phosphorus (AP) content regression model established in the 400-1 000 nm band of the imaging spectra was slightly worse than that of the non-imaging spectra. However, spectral preprocessing can reduce the difference between imaging and non-imaging spectra and reduce the accuracy difference of imaging and non-imaging spectral models.


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收稿日期:2017-12-25 基金项目:农业部引进国际先进农业科学技术计划(“948”计划)项目(2015-Z44、2016-X34) 作者简介:王文才(1994-),男,安徽天长人,硕士研究生,主要从事土壤速效磷高光谱检测研究。(E-mail) wangwencai@ahau.edu.cn 通讯作者:李绍稳,(E-mail)shwli@ahau.edu.cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2018-09-04