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石灰对土壤中Cd 和Zn 形态及对水稻有效性的影响()




The effects of liming on the fraction and bioavailability to rice of Cd and Zn in a contaminated soil
DONG Hai-xiaZHAO Ming-liuTANG Shou-yinLI Hong-hongCHEN Yan-huiXIE Tuan-huiWANG Guo
(College of Resource and Environmental Science, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou 350002, China)
ricesoil fractionlimeCdZnpH
Pot experiments using a Cd-Pb-Zn contaminated soil were conducted to study the effects of liming on BCR-extractable fractions of Cd and Zn in the soil, and the uptake and accumulation of Cd and Zn by two rice cultivars. The results showed that liming significantly increased soil pH, reduced weak acid extractable (Aci-) Cd and Zn, and rose reducible and residual Cd and Zn in the soil. Soil pH had a significantly negative correlation with Aci- Cd and Zn, and a positive correlation with residual Cd and Zn, which indicated that liming could transform Aci-Cd and Zn into residual forms through increasing soil pH. The content of Cd and Zn in brown rice was positively correlated with Aci- Cd and Zn. It was obviously that liming reduced the content of Aci- Cd and Zn and then led to a less accumulation of Cd and Zn in the brown rice. The contents of Cd and Zn in iron plaques on root surface were also decreased by liming. However, the contents of Cd and Zn in iron plaques showed complicated relationships with Aci- Cd and Zn, and Cd and Zn in the brown rice, which indicated uncertainty of iron plaque on uptake and accumulation of Cd and Zn by rice. The availability of Cd was more significantly depressed than that of Zn by liming.


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收稿日期:2016-03-06 基金项目:国家自然科学基金促进海峡两岸科技合作联合基金项目(u1305232) 作者简介:董海霞(1986-),女,河南太康人,硕士,主要从事土壤重金属污染生态方面的研究。(E-mail)1282774085@qq.com 通讯作者:王果,(E-mail)1400619353@qq.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2017-02-07