 ZHOU Xing-gen,ZHANG Hong-cheng,CHANG Yong,et al.Yield advantages of machine-transplanted potted seedling of rice following wheat in Huaibei area[J].,2015,(03):564-573.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2015.03.016]





Yield advantages of machine-transplanted potted seedling of rice following wheat in Huaibei area
周兴根1张洪程2常勇1孙克新1黄忠勤1丁震乾1王波1 
ZHOU Xing-gen1ZHANG Hong-cheng2CHANG Yong1SUN Ke-xin1HUANG Zhong-qin1DING Zhen-qian1WANG Bo1
(1.Xuzhou Institute of Agricultural Sciences of the Xuhuai District of Jiangsu Province, Xuzhou 221131, China;2.Innovation Center of Rice Cultivation Technology in Yangtze Rive Valley, Ministry of Agriculture, Yangzhou University/Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Physiology of Jiangsu Province, Yangzhou 225009, China)
rice following wheatpotted seedling machine transplantingyieldphotosynthetic production
为探讨钵苗机插技术在淮北稻区的适应性, 本研究在淮北地区麦-稻两熟制条件下,以杂交粳稻(2640、1640)和常规粳稻(连粳7号、徐稻3号)为材料,设置钵苗机插、毯苗机插和直播3种种植方式,通过随机区组试验对水稻产量及其构成因素、秧苗素质、光合物质生产、生育期、温光利用等方面进行分析。结果显示,杂交粳稻和常规粳稻的产量均表现为钵苗机插>毯苗机插>直播,且三者间均达到极显著差异,而杂交粳稻在钵苗机插条件下的增产优势更为明显。成熟期光合物质生产表现为钵苗机插>毯苗机插>直播,且三者间达到了极显著差异。相比较钵苗机插水稻,毯苗机插水稻和直播水稻各生育期延长,成熟期分别推迟1~2 d和3~5 d;杂交粳稻和常规粳稻的全生育期积温和光照时数均表现出钵苗机插>毯苗机插>直播。表明钵苗机插稻向前扩张了生育期,增加了对温光资源的利用,熟期相对较早,更利于高产,具有更好的适应性。
To explore the adaptability of potted seedling machine transplanting in Huaibei area, a randomized block experiment was conducted on japonica hybrid rice 2640 and 1640 and japonica conventional rice Xudao 3 and Lianjing 7 in a wheat-rice cropping systems to analyse the yield, yield components, seedling quality, photosynthetic production, growth period and utilization of temperature and illumination. Three kinds of cultivation modes, the potted seedling machine transplanting, blanket seedlings machine transplanting and direct seeding were applied. The yields of both rice materials were showed as machine transplanting>blanket seedlings machine transplanting>direct seeding, and the differences were extremely significant. Machine transplanted potted hybrid rice seedling exhibited highlighet yield advantage. The rice performed the highest photosynthetic production at maturity in the mode of potted seedling machine transplanting, followed by blanket seedlings machine transplanting and direct seeding. Compared with potted seedling machine transplanting, the growth periods of blanket seedlings machine transplanting and direct seeding were longer, the maturity being delayed by 1-2 d and 3-5 d, respectively. The accumulated temperature and illumination hours of both rice were the highest in the mode of potted seedling machine transplanting, followed by blanket seedlings machine transplanting and direct seeding. These results indicated that potted seedling machine transplanting may be more conducive to high yield even super high yield by improving the utilization of temperature and illumination benefited from the extension of growth period and early maturity.


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收稿日期:2014-09-24 基金项目:江苏省科技成果转化专项基金项目(BA2014074) 作者简介:周兴根(1961-),男,江苏吴县人,学士,副研究员,研究方向为耕作栽培。(Tel)0516-82189221;(E-mail) zlh-888@163.com 通讯作者:张洪程,(E-mail)hczhang@yzu.edu.cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2015-06-30