 ZHAO Ling,ZHANG Yong,ZHU Zhen,et al.Study on nitrogen use efficiency of Nanjing series japonica rice varieties[J].,2022,38(05):1153-1161.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2022.05.001]





Study on nitrogen use efficiency of Nanjing series japonica rice varieties
ZHAO LingZHANG YongZHU ZhenCHEN TaoZHAO Qing-yongZHANG Ya-dongWANG Cai-lin
(Institute of Food Crops, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, East China Branch of National Center of Technology Innovation for Saline-Alkali Tolerant Rice, Nanjing 210014, China)
ricenitrogen use efficiencyyieldvariety
研究南粳系列品种产量及其构成因素对氮素的响应,为大面积绿色生产提供依据。以南粳系列7个粳稻品种为试验材料,研究4个氮肥水平[不施氮肥(N0:0 kg/hm2)、低氮(N1:150 kg/hm2)、中氮(N2:300 kg/hm2)、高氮(N3:450 kg/hm2)]对品种的影响。试验采用裂区设计,氮肥水平为主区,品种为裂区,3次重复,考察了剑叶性状、节间抗折力、产量及其构成因素对氮肥的响应及不同品种的氮肥利用特性。结果表明,施氮处理均提高了南粳系列品种的产量,7个品种呈不同程度的增产,增产范围从1.61 t/hm2到3.43 t/hm2,氮素偏生产力为59.61~66.61 kg/kg,氮素收获指数为60.29%~68.07%,氮素农学利用效率为9.82~18.98 kg/kg,氮素生理利用效率为41.31~58.20 kg/kg。南粳5818、南粳9036和南粳60为氮肥高效敏感型品种,南粳5818、南粳9036的氮肥贡献率、氮素农学利用效率较高,南粳60的氮素生理利用效率较高,这3个品种在生产中需要优化氮肥运筹方式以充分发挥氮肥的增产作用。对氮素反应较迟钝的品种,在生产中需要适当降低氮肥用量,进一步协调氮肥与产量的关系,以获得较高的氮肥利用率。在本研究中,南粳系列品种高产的关键是在稳定结实率和千粒质量的基础上,稳步提高群体颖花量。南粳5718和南粳9036高氮条件下具有较强的抗倒性,是江苏省高氮条件下种植水稻的良好选择。
The response of yield and its components of seven Nanjing japonica varieties to nitrogen (N) was studied to provide a basis for reasonable application of N fertilizer on large-scale green production. The effects of four nitrogen levels (N0∶0 kg/hm2, N1∶150 kg/hm2, N2∶300 kg/hm2 and N3∶450 kg/hm2) on seven rice varieties were explored. The split-plot design was used in the experiment, the nitrogen level was the main plot, the variety was the split plot, and the experiment was repeated three times. The response of flag leaf traits, internode breaking resistance, yield and its components to nitrogen fertilizer and nitrogen utilization characteristics of different varieties were investigated. The results showed that the yield was increased by nitrogen application, and the yield increasing range was 1.61-3.43 t/hm2. Partial factor productivity of applied N fertilizer was 59.61-66.61 kg/kg, N harvest index was 60.29%-68.07%, agronomic N use efficiency was 9.82-18.98 kg/kg, and physiological N use efficiency was 41.31-58.20 kg/kg. Nanjing 5818, Nanjing 9036 and Nanjing 60 were sensitive varieties with high N use efficiency. Nanjing 5818 and Nanjing 9036 had high agronomic N use efficiency and N fertilizer contribution rate. Nanjing 60 had high physiological N use efficiency. These three varieties need to optimize nitrogen fertilizer management in production to give full play to the role of nitrogen fertilizer in increasing yield. For varieties with show response to nitrogen, it is necessary to appropriately reduce the amount of nitrogen fertilizer in production, and further coordinate the relationship between nitrogen and yield, so as to obtain higher nitrogen use efficiency. In this study, the steady increase of spikelet is the key to high yield on the basis of stable seed setting rate and thousand-grain weight. Nanjing 5718 and Nanjing 9036 have strong lodging resistance and are good choices for planting under high nitrogen conditions in Jiangsu province.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2022-11-07