 HE Tingting,SUN Guoli,XUE Chenchen,et al.The synergistic effect of seed coating agents and plastic film mulching on soybean yield in saline-alkali soil[J].,2024,(11):2032-2039.[doi:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2024.11.006]





The synergistic effect of seed coating agents and plastic film mulching on soybean yield in saline-alkali soil
(1.江苏沿海地区农业科学研究所, 江苏盐城224002;2.江苏省农业科学院经济作物研究所,江苏南京210014)
HE Tingting1SUN Guoli1XUE Chenchen2HE Sunan1ZHU Xiaomei1DONG Jing1WANG Kai1ZHANG Zhenhua1XING Jincheng1
(1.Institute of Agricultural Sciences in the Coastal District of Jiangsu Province, Yancheng 224002, China;2.Institute of Industrial Crops, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanjing 210014, China)
saline-alkali landseed coating agentplastic film mulchingsoybeanyield
In order to improve the salt tolerance and increase the yield of soybean in saline-alkali land, the optimal active substance composition and optimal compatibility mass concentration of the seed coating agent were screened through soybean germination experiments. The salt-tolerant and growth-promoting seed coating agent was prepared to conduct salt tolerance test during seedling stage, and combined with plastic film mulching for field verification, respectively. The results indicated that salicylic acid, ascorbic acid, proline and potassium dihydrogen phosphate increased the germination rate of soybean. When the four active substances were mixed at the respective optimal mass concentration of 3/4, the germination rate was the highest and reached 75.6%. The seed coating agent significantly enhanced the salt tolerance and promoted the growth of soybean seedlings. The aboveground dry weight increased by 25.21% compared with the control. The root-related traits were also significantly better than those of the control group. In the field trials, the overall effect of the treatments was ranked as follows: the combination of the seed coating agent and plastic film mulching (T3 treatment) > the seed coating agent alone (T2 treatment) > plastic film mulching alone (T1 treatment) > the control (CK). Under T1, T2 and T3 treatments, soybean yield increased by 0.88 times, 12.64 times and 25.97 times compared with the control, respectively. Under plastic film mulching, the soluble salt content in topsoil was 25.76%-27.27% lower than that of CK. From the results, it can be concluded that the combination of the seed coating agent and plastic film mulching not only reduced the accumulation of salt in soil surface layer and improved water use efficiency of soybean, but also improved its salt tolerance and increased soybean yield in saline-alkali soil by regulating the physiological metabolism of soybean.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2025-01-20